OL2011 Report: III by kate whatmore
After the children had blown their bubbles and released joy to the city of London, we walked over Westminster Bridge, blowing bubbles from time to time until we got to McDonald’s for lunch. We had a fun lunch together with our excited children. After lunch we walked back across the river towards Downing Street, the official residence of our Prime Minister. On the way, we stopped in a park to pray: one of the children felt led to lead us in praying for the homeless and destitute in the city and the park was a perfect place to do it. We prayed and blew more bubbles which the wind caught and took into a bus depot- just the kind of place rough sleepers use to get away from the harsh weather. It was another powerful moment. We continued along to Downing Street, via the exciting distractions of the changing of the guards at Horse guards parade. Downing Street itself is heavily protected. The street in gated and barred and heavily guarded. Once again we stood and prayed, letting the bubbles float down the street, reaching places we couldn’t go- on this occasion- paving the way for the next trip!