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Children’s Day Of Prayer For The Nation – March 2021

On Sunday 23rd March 2021 children, families and church groups joined from across the UK to pray.   In England it was lockdown so all activities were socially-distanced and we prayer in four areas: Love Heal Restore & Bless.

Resources We Used

Some Stories From Around The UK


We used the 4 themes as the basis of our message this morning in terms of encouraging everyone that they are called and equipped to change their world. We had prepared mission bags (in a COVID secure manner) for all of our children and even let the adults have them too! And I’m doing it all again shortly with a session for the children of another Church that we work alongside!


Nick led an element of his church service in Oxford – here is his input praying for Government, NHS and Institutions using lots of pictures from CCN events over the last 10 years!


My 7yr old has just lead a zoom prayer meeting for 12 of his friends to pray together. So many powerful prayers prayed! They worshipped together and shared Bible verses to encourage each other in prayer too. (Kids were aged 3-9 from Swindon, Bristol and N Wales)


Our kids off with their bubbles.. some amazing chalk art work and prayers here and hearts on the church bushes.


Prayer hearts in Banbury – at the village green – heart of community. Praying God’s heart central to lives who live worship & learn here.


Violet praying for the children of the world.


Although we are unable to meet together in person, our church children’s work continues. Today the children led us in our prayers in our online service as today is ‘Children’s Day of Prayer For Our Nation’. If you would be interested in receiving our children’s work resources that we send out regularly to our families then get in touch.

They did so well. My 6 year old son and I really enjoyed the prayer walk. He has additional needs and often really struggles to engage with church particularly during lockdown but he chose places to blow bubbles and prayed happily. We prayed outside the house of someone from our church who had recently lost her mum and then later we bumped into her husband at the shop. He told him that we had just been praying for them and that we had blown bubbles to represent God’s hope travelling around the nation. On his way home he sang his own prayers to God.