St Thomas’ Hospital – Operation London 2013
There were 27 expectant children with their leaders who headed to St Thomas’ Hospital ready to bless the community and pray powerfully for God’s healing and presence! God did far more than we could have ever imagined at Operation Heal The Sick!
We gathered in the Chapel with 2 of the Chaplaincy Team – Nana and Owen. We heard about their personal stories of faith and how they work at the hospital to support many patients, families and staff.
Our group had a tour around the children’s hospital – an amazing building with many challenging situations. The children had opportunity to pray for numerous children and their families – some of Christian faith and others of no faith. These families were blessed by the group and handed out sweets and asked about our mission.
Back at the Chapel, the children prayed powerfully for the children and families. One of our group gave her Bible for a family that she had met. Children received pictures and words for those in the hospital. The children produced some beautiful ‘heart art’ to give to others with messages of God’s love, hope and healing. Children also wrote prayers on plasters and focused on our healing God.
There was time for a young boy in our group to play the grand piano in the hospital corridor. Beautiful music filled the hospital and God’s presence was noted by many.
The children prayed for the Chaplains and God was very tangible. Owen, one of the Chaplains spoke words of prophecy into lives of individual children and leaders.
An amazing experience of God bringing together CCN with the hospital community and blessing us all.
Feedback from the Children on Operation Heal The Sick;
We were able to pray for Bentley, Joshua, William and Thomas. They all needed our prayers (Harry)
After our tour of the hospital we got the opportunity to do some heart art. I felt that I saw a picture of lots of different size circles all grouped together. There was a gold circle in the middle I did not know what it meant. But later Rowan said that she had an image, words saying that each person has different sized problems and it takes one person full of faith to spread to the sick and give strength (Maja)
We prayed for many people. I hope they are helped and become closer to God. I will continue to pray for everyone there to be healed.
I read a prayer request book and there was a very powerful and desperate prayer, asking God for a sign. I felt God telling me that I should make that sign. So I wrote down lots of ideas and verses. Some were from a song “ Together we’ll be, forever a sign, of the worship of Jesus, in love unified”. I hope they get this and know God better. I put their name on it and it singed from a fellow Christian soldier! (Rowan)
I prayed for a little baby and the parents were really happy and also we met Owen and he prayed for us and I could really feel God’s presence.
We saw lots of amazing things at the hospital. Thank you God for you presence and your love in the world! Help all the children in the hospital!! (Morgan).
We went to the hospital. What a blessing! I was not expecting that! The staff for the chapel were so joyful!! I was so touched it made me cry hearing from people from Africa. My heart is Africa. One of them prophesied I bring joy and will be a teacher not only with children but teaching God’s word. That’s been my vision since I was small! God knows, God loves! So exciting. (Hannah J)
God really encouraged me to continue to pray for the sick and people in hospitals. Opportunities to write prayers to God but for certain people J
I got to reach out for God and call for his Holy Spirit to fill the hospital. (Ellen)
God really stuck a large wedge in this slightly ajar door. We had opportunities for children to pray for sick children despite being told this would not be possible. The chaplaincy team were incredible, spirit filled and warm. Owen gave us a tour and actually sought opportunities to allow the children to pray whilst honouring hospital policy. We were privileged to pray for them and them for us.
Felt very spiritually powerful, the start of something huge. So encouraging to see the kids expecting miracles and being almost frustrated they couldn’t lay hands on the children. Really powerful to bless and encourage the chaplains. (adult)
Owen is a little boy 9 months old. We had been asked to pray for him when we were in the chapel. Owen is on kidney dialysis awaiting open heart surgery. His parents were present. We prayed through the glass wall. Owen’s mummy and daddy waved and smile. Owen’s daddy came out to us and gave all the children him sweets. When we left the hospital Owen’s parents were leaving too. Owen’s mummy thanked us for praying. They believe in Jesus healing and his mummy said He is getter better and as soon as the dialysis is stabilised he will have his heart surgery. They say thank you to all the children for praying for Owen. (adult)
When I was at the hospital I got prophesied over and I’m going to be in a worship band and worship on tv and other things.