Operation Heal The Sick 2014 – St Thomas’ Hospital
Our team went to St Thomas’ Hospital to pray for sick children, their families and members of staff and to release God’s healing across the nation! We were excited about all that God was going to do! As we set off we were given a picture about our feet and how God was going before us for us to do His business!
On the way we stopped at Lambeth Bridge to blow bubbles and to declare God’s presence over the city. The bubbles travelled down the River Thames and towards the hospital.
We have an ongoing relationship with the Chaplaincy Team at the hospital and it was a privilege to meet Sue, Jake and William in the Chapel and to hear about their amazing ministry to the many thousands of people under their care!
Sue gave us an update on a child that we had previously prayed for in 2013 and his brother had written a letter and sent along some photographs. This was a huge encouragement of God being at work!
We heard stories of more children and families who need specific prayer – the children got onto it, knowing that their prayers are powerful and by partnering with God, amazing things can happen!
We had the opportunity to visit the Children’s Hospital and to see something of the work that goes on. Some of the children had messages from God about praying for particular people in specific wards. This was very special.
Back in the Chapel there was time and space to create some art work based on the messages the children received from God. The artwork was varied and carried messages of God’s love, blessing, hope, healing, comfort and strength! Some of the messages were for specific children, others for families and some for healing across the world!
Areas of the chapel that were particularly special were the ‘Peace’ wall where languages from around the world were represented. Some children used this as a base to pray for healing globally. The Prayer Book was another focal point with children reading the daily prayer requests, finding this a powerful point of prayer. The prayer needs were many and varied and all reflected difficult stories. Some children lit a candle as they prayed for a specific child that they had been made aware of, believing that God lights up circumstances and is present in the very darkest of times. There was a beautiful place set aside in the Chapel to remember children who have died at the hospital. The family messages written reflected so much pain. Our team were very moved here as we had the privilege of sharing in this place and praying for comfort and peace. The butterfly seemed to be an important picture given of God releasing something beautiful into the pain.
Before we left the hospital, we had opportunity to give our prayers and artwork as a gift for the children. We were also blessed by the gifts given to us – wooden crosses, cards and pens to remember our special day and to prompt us to go on praying following our mission. We had opportunity to pray for Sue, William, Jake and others on the Chaplaincy Team. God’s presence was very tangible! Since our visit we have heard that one little girl that was very poorly has now been discharged! God is on the move!