by ccn | Jun 13, 2014 | Kids_Comments
“I think Children Changing Nations is the best thing ever!!! The testimonies are amazing, these children are impacting the nation and they are spreading God’s love further and wider.”
by ccn | Jun 11, 2014 | Kids_Comments
“We prayed that God would protect the Prime Minister, and then for his special adviser Shaun Bailey who really enjoyed it.”
by ccn | Jun 11, 2014 | Kids_Comments
“When we were blowing bubbles it felt like my legs were going to take off and I would fly like a bubble telling people God loves them. God told me to have fun, bless Him, and bless others.”
by ccn | Jun 11, 2014 | Kids_Comments
“I went to this father with a child his arms. She had trapped her finger in a pram and, when I finished praying, she smiled. I felt something changed for her because of my prayers.”
by ccn | Jun 22, 2012 | Kids_Comments
I felt the presence of God before me and if I closed my eyes, I could see him in front of me touching my hand. I first went to go to look at a child hospital and I thought it was great! Then we went to see the chapel. Then last but not least we went to go and see...